Monday, September 8, 2008

Modular Schedule for Fall 08 Semester

I know some of you were wondering what my schedule looks like day to day.  This is the schedule of my classes for this semester.  We have class from 9 am to 12 pm Monday through Thursday.  Every month, the class changes.

August – Excellencies of Christ

September – Eternal Glory of an Intercessor

October – Foundations of Eschatology

November – Song of Solomon

December - FINALS

I also have choir at 8 am Tuesday and Thursday and Prayer Room Practicum 9 am to 12 pm on Fridays.

The most incredible part of being here has been the required Prayer Room hours, 24 per week.  A friend of mine once asked me what I do.  Read, pray, worship, listen, etc. I explained.  "I want to know exactly what you're praying for," he said.  So, a non-exhaustive list is as follows: end of abortion, salvation of three friends, Sarah Palin and the Presidential race, healing, human trafficking, for the uniting of Bride of Christ, new revelation...on and on it goes.  Email me for an exhaustive list.  If you're interested in my homework, I'll let you in on that too.  =)

So that's what my day is made up of, approximately 50 hours a week.  It's a handful, but so rewarding.  Bless you guys as you go through your day!  Send your prayer requests my way...I have some time to be lifting them up alongside you.

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